Barefoot Trainer's Ashiatsu

The Best & The Most Affordable Ashiatsu Training - NCBTMB & NYS Approved Provider #993

Ashi - Foot • Atsu - Pressure

Ashiatsu is a career changing and body saving massage modality that every massage therapist and body worker, as well as their clients, can benefit from immensely. It has roots in India and Asia. It’s a form of massage in which the therapist applies massage strokes and pressure through the feet instead of the hands and arms. Ashiatsu can be performed seated on a chair or stool and while standing next to or on the client’s body using a support prop for both balance and support of movement. It can be performed on a massage table or a mat on the floor. The most commonly used support prop is Ashiatsu Bars. Ashiatsu Bars are a pair of overhead parallel bars usually made of wood or metal that are installed into a ceiling or walls. Other support props that can be used are a cane, walker, walking stick, and stool.

Ashiatsu can be performed using a lubricant such as oil or creme or without a lubricant. A lubricant allows for long flowing massage strokes that melt away muscular tension. Without lubricant you’re able to perform static compression strokes that flatten and relax away tension. Compression Ashiatsu strokes are commonly used for a clothed client.

Ashiatsu allows the massage therapist to stand tall and use their body weight and movement, along with gravity, to apply light to very deep and consistent pressure. You’re able to do this while avoiding any wear & tear on your body and actually strengthening your body. Clients receive incredible effective massage without any negative effects to you, only positive 😃👣.

There are many benefits that Ashiatsu massage brings to both your clients and yourself. Not only better client outcomes and a healthy body for you but also benefits to your business and overall life as well. To learn all of these benefits visit the pages below.

It’s my goal with Barefoot Trainer’s Ashiatsu to bring these benefits to as many massage therapist as possible. All courses have been designed to turn students into an advanced level Ashiatsu Practitioner as quickly and effectively as possible.

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